Originally uploaded by Mark Ordoñez
Nothing like sharing my love of hot wings with family.
Hooters of Manila Bay observations. It is spanking new. No sign of the usual grime yet. The curly fries are replaced with steak fries. The size of the servings is good. Sodas are still refillable. They give you a fork and a knife on the get go which is good. The 'Hot' wings have a tad less heat for my liking but still very tasty. 'Medium' is Jollibee chicken joy straight out of the fryer. They let you pay for the blue cheese. P50. Bummer. They won't let you toss 'Medium' wings (ordered by mistake) into some 'Hot' wing sauce. Boo. They don't have those small packs of antibacterial wipes they normally give you after a meal. Loser.
But overall, the wings are good and that's the most important thing. So yay to me and yay to Hooters of Manila Bay!
Wings: P350 for 10, P750 for 20.
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