'I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.' - Celine, Before Sunset

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Free Willy?

A Killer Whale Jumps!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

5 years & about 20 lbs later

Me above Toronto
Originally uploaded by Mark Ordoñez

I am flying back to the Metropolitan Toronto. Just found out about the trip 12 hours ago. I am supposed to leave 8 hours from now. As I did in Chicago, I hope to have a recapture of this same picture above. It will be interesting to see how much the skyline has changed.

Here's the plan for this trip:

1) Visit Niagara again. Ride the Maid of the Mist this time.
2) Check out the club scene.
3) Check out off Broadway plays.
4) Finally visit Jaimee in Indianapolis.
5) Maybe buy a new racquet and the new Ipod.

6) and... ohhh... work. Hehehehehe.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My first gig... in McDo

Song Bite
Originally uploaded by Mark Ordoñez

Not exactly Araneta but I guess you have to start somewhere! :)

Smacking me with balloons

Smacking me with balloons
Originally uploaded by Mark Ordoñez

I don't think I deserve this type of abuse!
Mean and ungrateful children!