It's been raining turd left and right lately and, if you're not careful, you might just find your self owning one.
It may look shiny. It may have all the bells and whistles. But shat covered in butter still smells like shat.
The Playstaturd 3This is one expensive sh@t! Seriously, there's nothing new in this console. The wireless controller, hardly revolutionary, The hard disk, been there. The internet connectivity, done that. For something that is worth $600, it sure looks hollow inside.
The iPooneFollowing the footsteps of the Video iPood, this new device from Appoole is 2 generations late. No 3G connectivity. Can only store up to 8 gig of media tops. And you get tied to a shady provider (Shingle-ar). I have better things in mind for my $500.
The skanky BSShe's no longer a girl but I was hoping we would see less of the woman. This is just obscenely wrong. I can't believe Pharish was able to fool Brickney to do this! Wait... Does this mean Pharish is smarter than Brickney? The bald hoo-haa leading the bald hoo-haa!