Ok people... We are not exactly getting any younger. We do not seriously believe the "I can be happy alone" mantra anyways. I say we quit waiting for fish to jump onto our laps and throw out a net! But before we do, here are some things to remember to avoid getting ourselves tangled in our own spawned trap.
1) Hanging out in StarBucks alone in the middle of the day does not exactly say cool. Hello? Have you heard of work? Maybe, not. Ok, I see you have the mac and the ipod but where are the friends? Oh.. let me guess.. online! Play the Geek card sparringly and not to the point that you waste perfectly good StarBucks seats.
2) Break away from the traditional lunch group! What are the chances of you getting laid when you eat with the same people you work with everyday? Pretty slim. Especially when you are all guys. Not that there's something wrong with that. How about making room for a special guest one day a week. How about inviting that hot chick on the 7th floor you've always wanted to know more about next Friday? Or that lady guard down the lobby for Tuesday. You get it.
3) When someone says 'Hi'. Uhmm.. say 'Hi' back. If you feel a one syllable word is too much for you to give away, then wear a "Will not respond to 'Hi'." on your shirt to spare us the trouble.
4) Make fun of yourself. Enough with the tough guy image. Don't let people laugh at you, make them laugh with you. Tell the story of how you found yourself stuck in an elevator or when you threw up on your girlfriend. You'll be surprised how people would suddenly open up to you.
5) Are people avoiding you? It's probably because you're annoying. If you find yourself being invited only to team dinners and office outings then you probably are annoying. Simple solution: Let's say you are with a group of people. If you are about to say something, don't.
6) Don't hold back. If you like someone, say it. If you are offended, make it known. Don't go back to your shell. Express how you feel. Emotions make us human. They make us real.